From Another Place & Time

It was the end of the day. Vendors were tired, getting ready to pack up and I had $11 left, burning a hole in my pocket.  I was doing my final rounds in the vintage clothing section of the Rose Bowl Flea Market and a sign grabbed my attention from a distance: 2 for $5.  Woo Hoo!! At that price, I could do some damage with the $11 in my pocket!

How happy was I when this vendor’s item were an amazing collection of vintage, global pieces! I scoured the racks and then dug into huge boxes he had filled with colorful pieces. I found more items than I could afford (as usual) but my approach to life, is that I have nothing to lose by asking, so I asked if he’d sell me five items for the $11 I had.  He was so kind and let me have 5 pieces for $10 and they were all amazing, each in their own way!


This 70’s, dashiki inspired tent dress was one of those $2 items and I LOVE it!! So comfortable and the bright colors are perfection.  It did have ridiculously small arm holes that I made bigger but other than it was ready to rock!


{Dress/Thrifted at the Rose Bowl Flea Market, Shoes/Ross, Mixed bangles/From Target, India & Kenya, Layered Necklaces/I bought in India, Earrings/Santee Alley}

Looking to plan a trip Los Angeles and check out the Rose Bowl Flea Market for yourself? I’d love to help with the details! Contact me to start the booking process.

2 thoughts on “From Another Place & Time

  1. Looking gorge as usual.

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